Sunday, March 22, 2015

Northern or Southern? Part One

4 Things a True Southerner Knows:

  • The difference between a hissie fit and a conniption. Only women have hissy fits (less violent and shorter), while anyone can have a conniption (longer and somebody can get hurt).
  • Pretty much how many fish make up a mess. You can have a “nice” mess or a “big” mess as well.
  • Just how crooked cattywampus is.
  • That "gimme sugar" don't mean "pass me the sugar."

4 Things a True Yankee Knows:

  • The Great Lakes are not oceans, they just feel like they are. They even have (small) tides!
  • The start of Deer Season Might as well be a State holiday here - it coincides with people all across the area “calling in sick” to work.
  • In Michigan it’s actually possible to drive south to Canada   
  • “Winter” lasts an average of 7 months. It will snow. Lots. No, school is not cancelled, nothing is closed and all stores are open as usual. Yes, even when we’ve received 20” of new snow.

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